Inspirational thoughts and random writings from the alumni and friends of Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Gives Thanks With A Grateful Heart

By Marvin Ferguson

As the holiday season once again approaches people are excited with all the joy it brings.

A plentiful supply of food will decorate a family table. Bulging eyes will easily wet many appetites. There is so much to choose from. No body goes away hungry.

And as winter starts to grip the landscape snow may blanket a small town where you live. It sounds like traveling through the woods to grandmothers house. Through a howling wind we bundle up in our best selection of clothes.

Or perhaps you live in a warmer climate where you can dress moderately in colorful attire. The sun shines bright beneath a clear blue sky in a mild breeze as a feeling of happiness travels through your veins like DNA.

I have so much to be thankful for until I visited a warehouse in a remote part of town. There was nothing attractive. It reminds me of a railroad yard like in Walt Disney's movie "Lady And The Tramp."

Inside, people lined up in tattered worn out clothes reaching out for some food and some much-needed clothes. And in a slow low sweet tone I heard them whisper, "Thank you sir," or just plain, "thank you." Their bulging eyes with a tear trickling down a cheek told the whole story. And goose bumps went down my spine watching them walk away with a bag full of groceries while dragging a box full of garments.

Happy Thanksgivings everybody, and I hope you have many more.

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