Inspirational thoughts and random writings from the alumni and friends of Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Signs of Life

By Nerola (Rolie) Grady

Spring is more than a season.   The earth becomes a quick change artist, revealing its color to a winter starved audience.   It’s that period when we’re surrounded by extravagant beauty if we dare to look.  A time to shed those TV dramas and walk out your own reality show with Jesus.

“Behold, I make ALL things new,” He said.  My challenge is to follow Him around and receive with an open heart.    It began yesterday when errands turned into fun as I watched a young couple stop traffic so a mama duck and her eight babies could cross the road.

Another surprise awaited me that afternoon when I stopped by my neighbor’s house.  She was laying out goods from her mother’s house for a garage sale.  “Make me an offer on anything you like,” she said.  My eyes landed on several sturdy pots and pans.  We quickly settled on a fair price, and I walked home with an answer to prayer…cookware that doesn’t leak!

Can God rejuvenate ordinary routines too?  I wondered while tackling a box of 10-year-old medical bills.  It wasn’t easy to revisit past illnesses while  updating our personal records.  But two hours later, I felt tension leave as old notices disappeared into my paper shredder.  Another step towards freedom.

What about potential crises?   Heavy storms threatened my relatives in northwest Iowa yesterday.  They hunkered down for several hours in the basement.  Thankfully there were no injuries, only anecdotes as my great niece shouted, “Gustnadoes, Mommy, gustnadoes are coming!”

Like first buds, life shows up in small packages.  But given time, it will quickly fill empty spaces and produce a fragrance that is irresistible.  This month I hope you too will be showered with Heaven’s delights….so much that joy replaces any lingering remnants of winter.

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