Inspirational thoughts and random writings from the alumni and friends of Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Have you heard?

By Helen Knueven

There is a house that has church services in Glen Ellyn, IL.  It wasn't a one-time event; either.  It has been going on for over a decade.   The picture of the house was on the front page of the Glen Ellyn News.  Can you believe it?  People were assembling in their house with others who were of like mind.  They were not just talking or having a nice dinner, either.  Somehow they had the nerve to pray!  If you don't believe me, it was in the paper as if some covert operation was taking place.   People in a house - praying. 

After a government worker caught wind of it, they were told they needed a permit.  They complied with the government and sought a permit but still seems to be a topic of debate.  It is clearly a violation of the constitution to me, for the government to get involved with ‘the right to assemble’.  It is also an ironic twist on the interpretation of separation of church and state.

I often read of government intervention to prayer meetings in China and how this agitates the government.  You can read for yourself about in the Voice of the Martyrs magazine.

But in the last few years you can read articles cropping up in America that tries to can prayer meetings through zoning ordinances and religious harrasment laws. 

But I think there is a lot of good news here anyway.

I have a feeling they were not just praying for their houses to sell, their bosses to get off their backs, or that they woud have a more fulfilling job. No, I don't think that self centered prayers get too much attention.  I suspect they were praying for the salvation of souls and because of the power coming from those kind of prayers, it was felt within the community.

 Have you ever wondered if your little prayer made a difference?

There is a government higher than any one on this earth - and we can reach the One in charge!  He, who died for us, in front of a multitude, now sits on a throne.  Our prayers are welcome; especially when we want to see His kingdom come here on earth.  There is a promise attached with praying in secret - an open reward.

 However we may need to stretch our idea of that word.  Some have been counted worthy to suffer for the sake of Jesus.

 Matthew 6:6  But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable. To think that anyone in government would have the time to harass some small group of people praying? I’ve read that George Washington was a registered member of a number of churches. I wonder if he ever attended a house church? But, I lift my eyes up to heaven and pray for these leaders that God would touch them in Jesus name.
