Inspirational thoughts and random writings from the alumni and friends of Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Baseball Inspiration

By Marvin Ferguson

The sun shined beneath a clear blue sky.  The temperature was in the eighties. Spring was in the air and along with it another baseball season.

 As a Clinical Technician at a local hospital my days were all routine. There was nothing unusual until one day recently I was congratulated by one of my peers for winning an employee survey raffle contest.

What? I asked. I was shocked because I never won anything in my whole life. Then, when I learned that I just won four tickets to a Cub game at Wrigley Field, I went bonkers.

And so with my wife and some friends we had a bird's eye view from the left field bleachers. We saw everything, and with popcorn, hot dogs, peanuts, and soda pop, we were in our second heaven.

Baseballs traveled swiftly on the infield grass. There were long throws from third base to first. Fly balls sailed deep into the outfield. And a fan scrambled for a home run that landed near my seat.

Sitting with thirty-five thousand baseball fans watching all the play-by-play action was fun and got my juices flowing to write another book. Yes, baseball was in my DNA. Talk to me about baseball and it wouldn't be long before you saw me with a pen in my hand filling all the pages with my favorite subject.


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