Snack time. One glass of cold milk to share. Two Double Stuf Oreos. One for my grandson and one for me. At 20 months, he knew to eat the middle first! Did someone teach him that or is it just natural to go for the good stuff first?
My attempt to teach him how to eat an Oreo slowly didn't work. He wanted the good stuff now and wanted it all--like all over his face! With a chocolate disc in each hand, he strutted to the waste basket and threw the rest of the cookie away. All done.
I think that describes me. I go for the good Stuf in life first, want it all, want it now. And when I get it, do I even slow down to enjoy it? What about the other part, the not so appealing part? Do I waste it?
l A beautiful summer day...that I'm too busy to enjoy.
l A long hug from my husband... I cut short because clothes don't fold themselves.
l A favor for a friend....that took more time than I selfishly wanted to give.
What about the rest...the hard part that just isn't as good without the cream.
l More month than money.
l Rebellious children.
l Everything breaking once.
God uses the hard cookie part to make the double portion of good taste even better.
Next time I'm going to eat the outside first and really enjoy the Double Stuf. Would you like to join me?
Taste and see that the Lord is good....Psalm 34:8 NIV