God’s mercy reflects in the pristine snow
With the dawn comes the radiant light,
Glistening diamonds thru the window pane,
Boughs of snow clothed branches hang everywhere,
My Beloved showers me with gifts of beauty,
The creation of God fills me with wonder.
“As God sends forth the rain and the snow to water the earth
And makes it bud and flourish so Your Word, O God comes to nourish our
souls and will not return to You empty. But will accomplish Your
desires” (cf Is.55 v: 10-11)
“You send the snow like white wool; and scatter frost upon the ground like
ashes, hurl the hail like stones. Who can stand against Your freezing cold?
Then, at Your command, it all melts. You send Your winds, and the ice
thaws. You have revealed Your words to Jacob...” {and to us} (cf Psalm 147 v:15-19)
God graces us with an abundance of gifts to fill our hearts with wonder
Your Word calls us to respond to Your unconditional love with our whole
minds and hearts and thoughts. May our hearts be filled with loving
gratitude for all God's gracious gifts each day in Word, beauty of
Creation and loving mercy which never ends.